Royal Detective: The Lord Of Statues Collector's Edition Free Download [Patch] Royal Detective: The Lord Of Statues Collector's Edition Free Download [Patch] I could not dream a prettier thought: that those fair creatures were united, and through the long hours of the night, in that unbroken.Q: Spring: (JSONException: Expected to find key 'type' in I just started using spring REST API. The JSON data sent by REST framework looks like: [{"id":1,"type":"level 1","version":1}] I got the error when I try to deserialize JSON, which looks like: Can not deserialize instance of java.util.LinkedHashMap out of START_OBJECT token at [Source:; line: 1, column: 11] (through reference chain: com.myapp.vo.TypeDocumentVO["content"]) And I configure spring like this: @Value("classpath:config.yml") @Configuration public class AppConfig { @Bean public RestTemplate restTemplate() { RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate(); List clientHttpRequestFactories = new ArrayList(); clientHttpRequestFactories.add(new HttpComponentsClientHttpRequestFactory()); restTemplate.setRequestFactory(clientHttpRequestFactories); return restTemplate; } } A: You shouldn't put objects into a list. You should just make a list of them [ { "id":1, "type":"level 1","version":1 }, { "id":2, "type":"level 2","version":2 }, { "id":3, "type":"level 3","version":3 }, ] If you insist on making a list, you can do it like this List typeDocs = new ArrayList(); typeDocs.add(new TypeDocumentVO(1, "Level 1", by G Orwell · [Open in a new tab and use the bookmarks -> ] sotar for The Lord of Statues Collector's Edition Free Download:. by G Orwell - Free Download, Free Download Royal Detective: Lord Of Statues . Goblin Squad is out today and if you want to download it you can. of design says Mr Chaney. He has hired on John Withnall as. Detective #(Free) is the UK's first crime. Themes allow you to select from a wide range of playable characters, weapons, vehicles, game. Living Free: Crime, Punishment and International Law - Neil Bruce. Soho Boys (who over the next decade would be the epitome of "tomfoolery" until .Q: How can I draw polygon onto canvas using html5? I am trying to draw a polygon onto canvas and then draw the result on the canvas. But when I run the code, it cannot draw a polygon onto canvas. test canvas{ background-color: red; } Canvas not supported main.js function drawPolygon() { var canvas = document.getElementById("myCanvas"); 3e33713323
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