Www.voy.com $16.99 16.99 1.59 5,190 1.3 I would be grateful for your help with this. I did find one article which discussed the date formats but it did not cover international IP addresses as it mentioned the case of IP address format are pretty well known. A: One of the most important functions in the IP address is port number. The TCP/IP protocol has standard ports for each function: ports 80, 443, 25 etc. port number on the TCP layer NAT gateway has the internal port number You can have several ports for a single IP address. For example port 80 on client and 443 on server. So any client who uses port 80 for HTTP will send it to external URL and this is called "trick". As long as you don't have a firewall on the external side, this port will be visible in your log. So what you are seeing is the log from specific client with this port so you should be able to see it with your tools: curl -s www.voy.com:80 You can find more info about ports from this site: // // Generated by class-dump 3.5 (64 bit) (Debug version compiled Oct 25 2017 03:49:04). // // class-dump is Copyright (C) 1997-1998, 2000-2001, 2004-2015 by Steve Nygard. // #import "TUpdateLayerView.h" @interface TDesktopView : TUpdateLayerView { } - (CDUnknownBlockType)performAboveLayerHierarchyUpdates:(BOOL)arg1; - (CDUnknownBlockType)performBelowLayerHierarchyUpdates:(BOOL)arg1; @end About I hear you. How many times have you heard that C++ is too slow? And how many times have you wondered how many of those are false? Now, have a look at my posts to the CodeProject C++ Issue Tracker, and you will find out. First, some basic background: This is a C++ parser engine I have written. It is designed to be extremely fast, Become a fan of Voy on Facebook. facebook. Voy - “More than just a contest. You . Cartel Matrix Episode 1: The rise of Mexico's Cartel Kings. Cartel Nation: Inside AmericaÂs . SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP)                                                                                                                                                                                                                              d0c515b9f4
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